The Problem
Errors and unwieldly process creates unhappy customers
Hundreds of disparate coupon pages had become unmanageable, causing havoc with our SEO and frustrating customers and staff with outdated coupons.
Internal processes for creation involved manual management of live dates and uploading of jpeg based barcodes exchanging hands and introducing several points for human error.
Suboptimal design for mobile
Responsiveness was an ongoing issue with more of the client base coming to us on mobile devices and smaller screens. The jpeg barcodes just were not cutting it anymore.
The Solution
Slick code and process improvements
The solution ultimately decided upon was to eliminate the creation of individual coupon pages in favor of directing all traffic for coupons to a single landing page, upon which a coupon is dynamically generated based on source information in the url parameters and scheduled sales deliverables for the time period. This page fully exploits Monetate's scheduling and personalization abilities in order to more directly and precisely target the intended customer with the correct coupon experience 100% of the time. Automatically retiring expired coupons, preventing irrelevant coupons from being displayed ever again.
Better design
The page was redesigned and coded to be simple and responsive. Additionally the barcode is now a generated vector based image via JavaScript utilizing a single form field which accepts a numeric 5 digit code, processed to strip out strings and non numeric characters. Utilizing Monetate allowed coupons to be easily previewed for review by interested parties before launch, further reducing opportunity for errors to make it to production environments.
Bonus points
In the case that no relevant coupon is found, this page defaults to its double use as a terms and information page regarding coupons and sales.
The Results
Better SEO & Silent customers are happy customers
Directing the traffic previously dispersed among hundreds of pages to a single entry point with now regularly relevant content greatly improved search rankings and all but completely eliminated customer complaints about outdated or irrelevant sales codes.
Internal processes for creation were greatly reduced in complexity requiring no html manipulation or uploading of images. Instead, the single page had a form field in Monetate which reduced the page creation to a matter of filling out a form correctly. Eliminating the opportunity for multiple points of entry for human error and allowing less technically oriented persons to create and schedule coupons on their own.
An absolute win all around